Recycling At Its Best At South Dallas County Landfill
The Adel spring cleanup, held in April of each year in coordination with the Household Hazardous Waste Mobile Collection Event, is a time when Adel citizens put unwanted trash on the curb for collection by the garbage hauler. However, as items are placed on the curb the night before, others come by to see if there is anything they want. The old saying "One man's junk is another man's treasure" is very true. An average of 70 tons of waste is brought to the landfill for disposal on that day but we would estimate that over 100 tons is placed on the curb.
All of the items below are accepted at the South Dallas County Landfill every day the Landfill
is open during regular blusiness hours.
All of the items below are accepted at the South Dallas County Landfill every day the Landfill
is open during regular blusiness hours.

Appliances contain refrigerant, mercury switches, capacitors containing PCBs, ballasts and thermocouplers. These appliances are accepted for an additional fee at the site and are stored until they are demanufactured either by landfill staff or by an independent contractor. South Dallas handles nearly 1,000 appliances annually.

Metal, Tin, Aluminum, Etc.
Metal, tin, aluminum, etc are placed in an area on site until there is enough volume to have it baled and sent to be recycled. South Dallas ships an average of 200 tons per year of scrap metal to be recycled.

Brush, Tree Limbs, Leaves & Grass
Brush, tree limbs, leaves and grass are accepted at the facility where, at least once a year, they are ground into mulch on site. Currently mulch is not offered to the public because SDCLA is able to use it as erosion control and cover material over newly seeded areas.

Computer Monitors, TV's & Electronics
Computer monitors, TV's and electronics are collected and stored at the site before they are sent to an electronics recycler. The CRT's (cathode ray tubes) which contain lead, are removed and handled as hazardous waste. Other recyclable materials are removed and sent to processors to be used in other products. There is an additional fee charged for monitors and televisions. However, some electronics, such as printers, scanners, radios, cell phones, speakers, video recorders and players, are accepted at no extra charge.

Tires are separated at our site and sent to a recycler. Most of the tires go to a company where they are shredded or processed into crumb rubber and resold. Uses of tire chips and crumb rubber include placement under playground equipment for cushion and as drainage media. South Dallas Landfill has a cell that used shredded tire chips in its construction. The tire chips were placed at the bottom of the cell to allow the liquid to pass through into the leachate collection system.
Crumb rubber is also used to manufacture products like railroad crossing pads, speed bumps, anti-fatigue mats, sport fields, running tracks, and more.
Crumb rubber is also used to manufacture products like railroad crossing pads, speed bumps, anti-fatigue mats, sport fields, running tracks, and more.

Vehicle Batteries
Vehicle batteries are accepted at no charge. As long as South Dallas does not have an expense in recycling the batteries, there is no charge for you to bring them out. Batteries can also be taken to any retailer that sells batteries. Batteries should not be placed in the trash to be landfilled, but brought to the office for recycling.

Household Batteries
Rechargeable/Lithium Batteries are accepted at no charge. Common devices that use
rechargeable/lithium batteries are cell phones, laptops, cameras, power tools, and others. If the battery takes a charge, it is one of the rechargeable/lithium batteries and must not be landfilled; these batteries can be crushed by landfill equipment, resulting in fires. They must be brought to the landfill office during regular business hours for proper disposal.
Alkaline Batteries - Traditional alkaline (single use) batteries can be recycled for $1 per pound at the Metro Waste Authority Bondurant location or may be thrown away in your normal trash. They are also accepted at no charge at the landfill office during regular business hours.
rechargeable/lithium batteries are cell phones, laptops, cameras, power tools, and others. If the battery takes a charge, it is one of the rechargeable/lithium batteries and must not be landfilled; these batteries can be crushed by landfill equipment, resulting in fires. They must be brought to the landfill office during regular business hours for proper disposal.
Alkaline Batteries - Traditional alkaline (single use) batteries can be recycled for $1 per pound at the Metro Waste Authority Bondurant location or may be thrown away in your normal trash. They are also accepted at no charge at the landfill office during regular business hours.

Used Oil & Filters
Used Oil is accepted at no charge. Please advise the Scale Staff. We have a container for you in which to pour the oil. Oil can also be taken to any retailer that sells oil. Waste oil may also be taken to Modern Motors (north of Adel) where they have installed a used-oil burning furnace. Federal law prohibits the landfilling of waste oil.
Oil filters must be drained completely before being accepted at the landfill.
Oil filters must be drained completely before being accepted at the landfill.
Other Methods of Recycling

Adel Sticker System
ADEL STICKER SYSTEM is a program for Adel citizens.
Stickers are purchased at City Hall and put on appliances, computer monitors and TV’s, which are placed on the curb for collection by the garbage hauler. This is a part of the contract agreement between the City of Adel and the garbage hauler. There is no additional charge for pickup.
Stickers are purchased at City Hall and put on appliances, computer monitors and TV’s, which are placed on the curb for collection by the garbage hauler. This is a part of the contract agreement between the City of Adel and the garbage hauler. There is no additional charge for pickup.
Curbside Recycling
CURBSIDE single stream recycling is available for residents in Adel and many of the surrounding communities. Totes are provided for the bi-weekly collection of cardboard, paper, tin, aluminum, plastic and glass.
Recycling is good for the environment. All-weather flyers have been affixed to the yellow lids of the totes to help identify items to be recycled and those that go in the trash. The flyers provide an in-front-of-you-reminder of what to put in the recycling totes. Putting trash in the recycling totes contaminates the load and the whole load many be rejected by the recycler. Your help to properly recycle is appreciated!
To get a new flyer or a replacement flyer, contact the landfill or the Adel City Hall (515) 993-4525.
Additionally, containers for cardboard and paper are placed in many areas of the Adel business community to collect the volumes generated by businesses.
Drop off sites are available for rural citizens of Dallas County who do not have curbside service.
Call Dallas County Environmental Health for locations at 515-993-5803.