News & Events

Household hazard waste drop off handout   adel 2024

Household Hazardous Waste Event.  Check Back for our 2025 event.

The Household Hazardous Waste Day in Adel will be held on Saturday, April 20 from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon at the Kinnick Feller Park. The Adel Lions Club has volunteered to help with the event since its inception in 1998.

Only residential Household Hazardous Waste will be accepted.  No commercial waste.

Mobile Household Hazardous Waste Collection events:
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February, 2025

Starting on March 10, 2025 the South Dallas County Landfill will only be able to accept waste from within the city limits of Adel with a provided address. We will no longer be able to accept certain waste from Metro Waste Authority’s service area. However, we will still be able to take any recyclables you have (Metal, Yard waste, Electronics, Appliances, and Tires) just not other waste.  After March 10, 2025 your waste must go to Metro East or Metro West.

Metro East
12181 NE University Avenue
Mitchellville, IA 50169
Metro West
20 335th Street
Perry, IA 503220
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January, 2025

Every winter, the staff takes a week to shred the brush pile. This past year yielded 3,588.64 tons of brush that was shredded January 13th through the 17th . The resulting mulch is used onsite for erosion control. Staff monitors the brush pile to ensure no unwanted waste--like garbage, metal, or rocks--ends up in the pile. The recycling of brush is another way the Landfill fulfills its responsibility to be environmentally prudent.

This year, the Landfill used a shredder with a smaller motor and were very pleased with the performance and fuel consumption. The same size machine, with the smaller motor, used only half the fuel compared to recent years. To date, the Landfill has only rented shredders. However, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to find a machine to rent. The Landfill’s staff and Board Chair are currently looking into different options for purchasing a shredder for its site. If the agency purchased its own shredder, it would have the ability to keep the brush accumulated to a minimum, making room for the possibility of future storm debris disposal. The Landfill staff would be able to shred, not only the brush, but also tires and construction and demolition waste to maximize airspace, thereby prolonging the life of the Landfill.
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April, 2024

Thank You, Adel Lions!

For 26 years, the Adel Lions Club has assisted the Metro Waste Authority in collecting household hazardous materials from area residents. The HHM Event has been hosted by the South Dallas County Landfill, but volunteers from the Adel Lions Club have helped the event run smoothly by checking in participants, unloading the materials, and sorting the materials into collection bins. Many Adel Lions have volunteered for these events since the beginning and are valued for their knowledge and efficiency. At Kinnick Feller Park on April 20, a collection of 3,431.6 pounds of chemicals, waste oil and other materials was received from 95 participants. Thank you, Adel Lions!
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January, 2023

Every winter, the staff takes a week to shred the brush pile.  This past year yielded 2,881 tons of brush that was shredded January 16th through the 20th.  The resulting mulch is used onsite for erosion control and must be free of garbage.  Customers may not include any garbage in the brush they bring in and staff monitors disposal.  The recycling of brush is another way the Landfill fulfills its responsibility to be environmentally prudent.
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November, 2022

South Dallas County Landfill is proud to have been featured in Adel's Living Magazine.  
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September 9, 2022
Iowa Society of Solid Waste Operations (ISOSWO) Tour

On September 9, 2022, the ISOSWO Chapter of SWANA held their monthly meeting in Adel.  Part of their meeting included a tour at the South Dallas County Landfill.  The group of 11 attendees learned some history about the Landfill from Cindy Turkle and met Mike Fountas (Director) and Shirley McAdon (Board Chair) before heading out to the site.  Their objective was to learn more about excavating the SW area project, a project that received the 2021 Innovative Project Award from ISOSWO.  The group observed the staff working in the area, while Mike Fountas explained the process.  The group also took a short tour of the Landfill.

Iowa Society of Solid Waste Operations (ISOSWO) is the Iowa Chapter of Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA). We are a statewide organization whose members are directly involved in solid waste management issues. Our members include public and private sector employees, along with consultants, engineers, planners, regulators, and local elected officials.

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Sdcl fire

August 10, 2022 Fire

South Dallas County Landfill recently had a fire on August 10.  Most likely it was caused by damage penetrating the battery pack of rechargeable/lithium batteries, causing a short circuit and the battery to catch fire.  This is usually how most Landfill fires get started.  The fire was brought under control by the Adel Fire Department.  The Landfill wants to educate the public on how to properly dispose of batteries, so we can prevent any fires in the future.
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Did you know rechargeable batteries contain hazardous material that is highly flammable? That’s right! When the shell is cracked on these types of batteries, they are susceptible to moisture and can easily start on fire. We’re not sure if you’ve seen the heavy equipment that collects and moves garbage, but those shells are sure to crack under the pressure! To know if one of your devices has one of these hazardous batteries, first ask yourself if the item takes a charge. Common gadgets that have hazardous batteries are cell phones, laptops, cameras, power tools, etc.
You can get rid of these types of batteries for free by dropping them off at the Landfill office during business hours.

Alkaline Batteries (AA, AAA): 
Traditional alkaline (single use) batteries can be recycled for $! per pound at the Metro Waste Authority Bondurant location. You can also throw alkaline batteries away in your normal trash or bring them to the Landfill office.
Answers to more questions can be found on Metro Waste Authority’s website.  As always, please feel free to call or stop by the Landfill if you have any questions.