November 4, 2022
CITYVIEW's Business Journal
22 From 2022
Business People Who Made A Difference
On November 3, 2022, Shirley McAdon was honored by CITYVIEW's Business Journal as a business leader who has made a difference in their community. The CITYVIEW articles goes on to state...“Partnering with the City of Adel, the Adel Partners Chamber of Commerce, and the Rotary Club of Adel to improve Pedal Plaza, soon to be renamed Rotary Plaza, along the Raccoon River Valley Trail was a big project to bring to fruition in 2022,” said McAdon about last year’s accomplishments. “As a member of all three organizations, I found working together to write grants and work out the many details was daunting but satisfying to see all of the planning pay off. This project will enhance our community with another amenity to benefit our residents, our businesses and our visitors.
“I also served as the facilitator for the activities celebrating Adel’s 175th Birthday in 2022,” she continued. “From the repeat of the historic panorama picture downtown, to the ceremony marking Founders’ Day, to the Historic Downtown Adel Walk, to the Oakdale Cemetery Walk of historic figures, to the Sweet Corn Festival Adel History Trivia Contest, to the burying of the Time Capsule, it was a pleasure to work with all those who are helping to make 2022 a memorable year for Adel.”
McAdon says the best business decision she’s made “is to take into account how the positions I take at the Adel City Council table affect our residents and businesses. It’s very important to me to do my homework and study the issues to be able to make an informed decision on every policy or project. I listen to staff, the consultants, our businesses and our residents to try to gauge the impact the decision might have. The next step is to hear the views of the other council members and arrive at a consensus, all of us using our best judgement to set policy or take action on a project. This collaborative process can be time-consuming but well worth the effort.”
Her advice to others: “Even the small things you do to further the business community or improve the quality of life in your community can make a difference. Making connections with others can develop into partnerships to get things done.”
You can read more about the honorees in CITYVIEW's November, 2022 issue: https://www.biggreenumbrellamedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/CV-November-web-small.pdf
“I also served as the facilitator for the activities celebrating Adel’s 175th Birthday in 2022,” she continued. “From the repeat of the historic panorama picture downtown, to the ceremony marking Founders’ Day, to the Historic Downtown Adel Walk, to the Oakdale Cemetery Walk of historic figures, to the Sweet Corn Festival Adel History Trivia Contest, to the burying of the Time Capsule, it was a pleasure to work with all those who are helping to make 2022 a memorable year for Adel.”
McAdon says the best business decision she’s made “is to take into account how the positions I take at the Adel City Council table affect our residents and businesses. It’s very important to me to do my homework and study the issues to be able to make an informed decision on every policy or project. I listen to staff, the consultants, our businesses and our residents to try to gauge the impact the decision might have. The next step is to hear the views of the other council members and arrive at a consensus, all of us using our best judgement to set policy or take action on a project. This collaborative process can be time-consuming but well worth the effort.”
Her advice to others: “Even the small things you do to further the business community or improve the quality of life in your community can make a difference. Making connections with others can develop into partnerships to get things done.”
You can read more about the honorees in CITYVIEW's November, 2022 issue: https://www.biggreenumbrellamedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/CV-November-web-small.pdf

April 21, 2022
Celebrate Adel
Adel Partners Chamber of Commerce
Business of the Year Finalist

The South Dallas County Landfill Agency is nominated for Adel Partners Chamber of Commerce 2021 Adel Business of the Year. Many people think the SDCLandfill is a county agency but it isn’t and never has been. It was created under Iowa’s statute that allows cities and counties to band together for a public purpose that is more difficult to accomplish individually, in this case, the disposal of garbage. Adel was one of the founding members, charging the agency to be efficient, to be environmentally responsible, and to maintain local control.
The SDCLandfill has done all of those things while supporting the business community and residents. SDCL staff kept the Landfill open during the pandemic, maintaining service to make sure garbage disposal didn’t become a problem for Adel. Staff also handled all the loads from residents cleaning out basements and garages while they were at home. SDCL has partnered for many years with Ankeny Sanitation on Spring Cleanups and with the Metro Waste Authority Regional Collection Center for Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Events as additional services.
This past summer, the Landfill worked with Ankeny Sanitation to create stickers for the Recycling Bin Lids to promote a better understanding of what should be recycled and employed Adel Boy and Girl Scouts to affix nearly 1,400 stickers.
Always forward-looking, the Landfill completed a nearly $1 million expansion in 2021 to provide a new cell for disposal. This was possible due to the excavation of an older area; which won the Iowa Society of Solid Waste Operations 2021 Innovative Project Award for soil reclamation, air space reclamation and environmental improvement. This Project extended the life of the Landfill for 20 years, providing exceptional stability for Adel.
The Landfill has been a longtime member of the Chamber, supporting it with sponsorships for Celebrate Adel and with contributions to the Trail Improvement Project, Trail Cleanup Days, and Pedal Plaza. Its support continues and it would be a worthy recipient of the 2021 Adel Business of the Year.
The SDCLandfill has done all of those things while supporting the business community and residents. SDCL staff kept the Landfill open during the pandemic, maintaining service to make sure garbage disposal didn’t become a problem for Adel. Staff also handled all the loads from residents cleaning out basements and garages while they were at home. SDCL has partnered for many years with Ankeny Sanitation on Spring Cleanups and with the Metro Waste Authority Regional Collection Center for Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Events as additional services.
This past summer, the Landfill worked with Ankeny Sanitation to create stickers for the Recycling Bin Lids to promote a better understanding of what should be recycled and employed Adel Boy and Girl Scouts to affix nearly 1,400 stickers.
Always forward-looking, the Landfill completed a nearly $1 million expansion in 2021 to provide a new cell for disposal. This was possible due to the excavation of an older area; which won the Iowa Society of Solid Waste Operations 2021 Innovative Project Award for soil reclamation, air space reclamation and environmental improvement. This Project extended the life of the Landfill for 20 years, providing exceptional stability for Adel.
The Landfill has been a longtime member of the Chamber, supporting it with sponsorships for Celebrate Adel and with contributions to the Trail Improvement Project, Trail Cleanup Days, and Pedal Plaza. Its support continues and it would be a worthy recipient of the 2021 Adel Business of the Year.

October 6, 2021
ISOSWO 2021 Innovative Project Award

South Dallas County Landfill received the 2021 Innovative Project Award from ISOSWO (Iowa Society of Solid Waste Operations) at the annual ISOSWO conference held on October 6th. The award was for the Soil/Waste Exhumation, Soil Reclamation, Air Space Reclamation, and Subtitle D Compliant Cell Development of the SW Area.The current facility is land-locked with no development potential to the north, south, or east. Expansion to the west is not currently an option. In October of 2018, a life estimate placed remaining life of the facility at approximately 5 years. The Landfill site was originally a brick quarry pit. Much of the landfill has been filled with waste and soils required for operations must be purchased and hauled to the site at an additional cost. Faced with these challenges, the Agency decided to investigate the SW Area to determine the condition of the old disposal area. The SW area occupies 6.9 acres of the 68-acre site and began receiving waste during the late 1970’s. The SW area fully complied with the regulations at the time and was closed in 1993. Test pits discovered a final cover thickness ranging from 4 ft. to 12 ft. of soil with considerable quantities of soil placed between thin lifts of waste below the cap.
The Agency along with Turkle-Clark Environmental Consulting evaluated the advantages and disadvantages of excavating the SW area including the cost and staff time for the excavation and any equipment that might need purchased. Seeing improvements to the environment and an increase in the life of the landfill, the Agency decided to proceed with the project. After consultation with the Agency’s Engineer, HLW Engineering, IDNR approval was obtained to excavate the SW area. Although solid waste exhumation has occurred at landfills in other states, this is believed to be the first major solid waste exhumation project in Iowa. Staff had to experiment with various equipment to find the most efficient approach for the stages of the excavation.
The project has proven to be a positive benefit to the Agency, the City of Adel, and the environment. The most significant community benefit is that the landfill life estimate incorporating the space gained by redeveloping the SW Area increases by almost 19 years. The increase provides local residents and businesses a viable, cost-effective solid waste disposal solution.
Waste exhumation in the SW Area is ongoing. Waste removal has been completed in the initial portion of the excavation area and construction of the first portion of the Subtitle D composite-lined disposal cell utilizing a portion of the former SW Area is now underway.
The Agency along with Turkle-Clark Environmental Consulting evaluated the advantages and disadvantages of excavating the SW area including the cost and staff time for the excavation and any equipment that might need purchased. Seeing improvements to the environment and an increase in the life of the landfill, the Agency decided to proceed with the project. After consultation with the Agency’s Engineer, HLW Engineering, IDNR approval was obtained to excavate the SW area. Although solid waste exhumation has occurred at landfills in other states, this is believed to be the first major solid waste exhumation project in Iowa. Staff had to experiment with various equipment to find the most efficient approach for the stages of the excavation.
The project has proven to be a positive benefit to the Agency, the City of Adel, and the environment. The most significant community benefit is that the landfill life estimate incorporating the space gained by redeveloping the SW Area increases by almost 19 years. The increase provides local residents and businesses a viable, cost-effective solid waste disposal solution.
Waste exhumation in the SW Area is ongoing. Waste removal has been completed in the initial portion of the excavation area and construction of the first portion of the Subtitle D composite-lined disposal cell utilizing a portion of the former SW Area is now underway.

August 31, 2021
Air Force Recruiting Service Certificate
of Appreciation

During the Summer of 2021, the South Dallas County Landfill worked with Ankeny Sanitation to create all-weather flyers for the recycling tote lids to promote a better understanding of what items should be recycled and what items should be placed in the trash totes. Commingling items can result in an entire load being contaminated and rejected at the recycling center, causing the load to then be landfilled. Adel Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts affixed nearly 1,400 flyers to the yellow lids of the recycling totes to provide in-front-of-you-reminders.
Because of the significance of the project and other environmental efforts, the South Dallas County Landfill received the Air Force Recruiting Service Certificate of Appreciation on August 31, 2021.
Because of the significance of the project and other environmental efforts, the South Dallas County Landfill received the Air Force Recruiting Service Certificate of Appreciation on August 31, 2021.

Outstanding Professional Achievement Award

Cindy Turkle
Turkle-Clark Environmental Consulting, L.C.